Domestic Violence Groups
Lindsay is trained in the Duluth Model of Batterer Intervention and received this training from the Domestic Abuse Intervention Program in Duluth, MN. The Duluth Model is an evidence-based model of intervention that is widely considered the gold standard in batterer intervention programs. Lindsay is also certified in Moral Reconation Therapy for Domestic Violence and received this training from Correctional Counseling in Memphis, TN. MRT-DV is also an evidence-based program that utilizes specific models to assist an individual in identifying their anger triggers, beliefs about their partner, coping skills they can utilize to have a better outcome with managing their emotions in their romantic relationship, and to learn new ways to parent their children in a positive manner without the use of violence.
If you are interested in learning more about how either of these programs may be beneficial to you, please contact Lindsay for more information. Treatment through each of these programs is available individually or in a group setting.